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Beginners Plus Beginners Plus (60 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris focuses on twisting in order to create freedom around the spine. Beginning on the ground with some gentle twisting and opening, the class gradually builds to kneeling and lunge twists. The class ends with seated stretches. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 9th.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1


Yin Yoga [Free] Yin Yoga (58 minutes)Tracy Gross

Tracy focuses on opening up the shoulders, chest and hamstrings in this class. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 8th.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1


Open Level Flow Open Level Flow (73 minutes)Brian M. Davis

This class focuses on backbends. With a steady warmup of the hips and torso, Brian leads us into increasingly challenging backbends. Starting in kneeling and lunge positions, then adding a balance challenge in standing and finally in full wheel, and there is a spacious a lengthy unwinding session at the end. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 8th.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 3


Beginners Plus Beginners Plus (59 minute) with Chris LoebsackChris Loebsack

Chris takes us through some hip mobility work. From the beginning in our seated centering posture  to the lunges, hero's pose and then into some reclined stretches. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 7th.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1


Flow Level 1-2 Flow Level 1-2 (72 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris leads us through a fairly standard Level 1-2 class. She adds on some kneeling balance poses, a bit of work on middle splits and she throws in some handstand prep work at the end. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 6th.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 3


Hatha Alignment Hatha Alignment (59 minutes)Chris Loebsack

This class will break down and explore the yoga pose, updog. Chris looks at the anatomy and the actions in particular body parts. She examines the different movements and then combines all of the pieces into the final pose. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 6th.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1


Flow Level 1-2 Flow Level 1-2 (59 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Discover what is essential by cutting out all that is unnecessary in this class and maybe applying the concept to the rest of your life. Work through some hip strengtheners like wheel, leaning triangle and fallen triangle. Enjoy some hip stretches like lunge mermaid, pyramid and front splits. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 5th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 3


Flow Level 1-2 Flow Level 1-2 (69 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris leads us through a sequence with many variations and modifications that has some interesting lunge/backbends and downdog options. There are a few not-so-common seated forward fold variations on top of the usual options. Originally aired on Facebook Live on March 30th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 3
Open Level Flow Open Level (59 minutes)Brian M. Davis
Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2

It focuses on twists and binds with increasing levels of challenge. Moving from low lunge to high lunge to triangle and perhaps on to bird of paradise, you will have the opportunity to experience how the challenge can impact the pose. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 4th.

Yin Yoga Yin Yoga (59 minutes)Tracy Gross

This yin class focuses on hips and hamstrings. Longer holds in lunges, quad stretches, inner thigh and runner's lunge will open up your hips and feel delicious. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 3rd.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1