This class is about creating opening in the hips and spine in preparation for camel pose. Chris explores different backbends to warm up the spine and the body. The class theme is cultivating self-love and love for our fellow humans. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 4th.
Spirited Flow. Theme of metta (loving kindness) towards the self and others. This class includes some pranayama and mudra meditation. The asana practice incorporates bound lunges, bound tree and bound forward fold. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 3rd.
Brian explores the idea of working at your edge. That does not mean working your hardest or doing the most challenging pose, but working in a place that makes you slightly uncomfortable. With this in mind, Brian moves into poses in which you can stretch to your limit and then challenge your stability. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 2nd.
Chris leads a class that focuses on hamstring flexibility. She begins with some gentle stretch and offers increasing levels of challenge. This class first aired on May 2nd on Facebook Live.
Tracy leads a lovely sequence that opens with some hip work and moves into some stretching along the torso and side body. She completes the sequence with a single leg twist. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 1st.
This class hits all of the major body areas and brings in some balance challenge in plank pose and one legged squats. There are also some handstand hops, full wheel and some deep shoulder stretches. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 1st.
Chris leads us through a one hour Ashtanga-based experience. She throws in a few variations including an exploration of variations on flamingo. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 27th.
Chris takes a look at asymmetrical poses (legs in different placements). She starts on the back, moves into lunges and progresses to standing positions. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 27th.
Brian leads us through a vinyasa class that focuses on the squat position in various configurations and with added complexity. Because it incorporates the same shape with the legs, he offers a brief tutorial on crow pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 25th.
Tracy leads us through a sequence that focuses on the hips. From seated folds to lunges, this class hits the outer hips, inner thighs, quads and hamstrings. This class originally aired on Facebook Live on April 24th.