The focus of this conditioning class is on sides and back of the core. The sequence includes leaning lunge, warrior 3, half moon, over the moon and bridge pose. Pranayama is performed in locust pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 24th.
Chris leads us into galavasana or flying pigeon pose. She begins by opening up the hips and then warming up upper body and back in order to prepare for the engagement required. There are a few intermediate arm-balance steps that build up the final pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 23rd.
Tracy leads us through a yin sequence that is focused on the hips. There are some seated poses and a few poses laying on the back and the belly. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 22nd.
Dynamic Level: 1 Difficulty Level: 1
It culminates in 8 limbs pose, or ashtangasana. There are many aspects to this pose that require strength and flexibility and those aspects are broken down and explored throughout the class. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 22nd.
The theme of the class is working at the end-range of your mobility. Finding strength at the end ranges at the same time extending those end ranges of motion. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 21st.
This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 21st. Chris talks a bit about connection and attention; connection within ourselves and how that builds toward attention. The class stays focused on the spine, hips and shoulders in an very accessible manner. Chris throws in some pranayama and ends the class with a chant.
Chris leads us through a fun and active sequence that includes a few binds and forward fold variations as well as heron pose, frog pose and archer pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 20th.
Chris breaks down and looks at trikonasasa or triangle pose. She looks at all the components and finds the areas that are stretched and the places that require strength. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 20th.
Chris leads us through an even and balanced practice. Among other poses, you will experience crow, half moon and standing splits. This class first aired on Facebook Live on April 19th.
This class first aired on April 18th on Facebook Live. Chris spends a few minutes discussing the yogic concept of saucha. The practice is intended to open up the side body while being aware of our thinking which relates back to the concept of saucha.