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Beginners Plus Beginners Plus (57 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris leads a Beginners Plus class that will add a bit more challenge than you might otherwise be accustomed to. Don't forget that you are always free to take modifications, but feel free to push your edges. This class first aired on May 30th on Facebook Live.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2


Yin Yoga Yin Yoga (58 minutes)Tracy Gross

Tracy gets you into a lunge sequence that will have your hips and thighs feeling delicious. After a brief shoulder and side body opening, she finishes the class with some reclined leg stretches and twists. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 29th.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1


Hatha Alignment Hatha Alignment (62 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris leads a thorough breakdown of lunge poses. Beginning in the reclined position, she methodically takes us through the various positions the body will be in and discusses the muscles and movements that are required.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1


Conditioning Yoga Yoga Conditioning (70 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian teaches a class that focuses on twists. Working with twists in various configurations and adding challenge by way of balance and shifting foundations. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 29th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 4


Progressions to Expressions Progressions to Expressions - Peacock (72 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris leads a progressive class towards the pinnacle peacock pose. This is a complex and challenging pose. Chris breaks down the components and builds gradually towards the final pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 28th.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 4


Yin Yoga Yin Yoga (58 minutes)Tracy Gross

Beginning on our backs, Tracy leads some hip stretches and twists. She moves into the seated position and incorporates some shoulder and spinal stretches with the hip and hamstrings release. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 27th.

Dynamic Level: 1

Difficulty Level: 2


Flow Level 1-2 Flow Level 1-2 (58 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a hip focused challenging class that incorporates mobility with strength. There are plenty of opportunities to find challenge in this class, from strength to stretch from arm balances to binds. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 27th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 4


Open Level Flow Open Level Flow (71 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a class that focuses on range of motion and mobility in the hips and shoulders. This open level flow class moves from pose to pose and offers multiple variations of some of the more challenging poses. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 26th.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 3


Beginners Plus Beginners Plus (56 minutes)Chris Loebsack

In this class, Chris explores transitions. Moving up and down off of the ground, moving back and forth through lunge and other variations. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 26th.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 1


Hatha Alignment Hatha Alignment (60 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris leads a class that builds up to eagle pose (garandasana). While the final pose may be challenging, attention is spent gradually building up to that pose. The pose is broken down in a manner that the pieces will be accessible to everyone regardless of whether you are able to experience the final pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 25th.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 1