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Flow Level 1-2 Flow Level 1-2 (75 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian has put together a nice challenging flow that features core integration and arm balances. Whether you have the more challenging poses in your repertoire, you will enjoy building strength and endurance through this practice. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 20th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 3


Flow Level 1-2 Flow Level 1-2 (58 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a challenging flow that moves back and forth from twists to binds in various configurations. It includes some arm balances and standing balance variations and moves at a decent speed. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 19th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 3


Slow Flow Slow Flow (57 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris leads a juicy slow flow. Starting off seated, waking up the body with simple movements. Taking those movements into lunge and standing positions. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 18th.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2


Hatha Alignment Hatha Alignment (57 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Gomukasana. Explore the mobility needed in the hips and shoulders in a detailed manner. Taking time to open up the joints and offering many modifications for those that are not yet as mobile.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 2


Spirited Flow Spirited Flow (66 minutes)Chris Loebsack

The theme for this class is mudita, or celebrating joy. The sequence will challenge your balance with tree and half moon poses, it will challenge your upper body strength with crow and it will challenge your thigh mobility with middle splits. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 17th.

Dynamic Level: 4
Difficulty Level: 3


Open Level Flow Open Level Flow (59 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian begins the class with a short story about willingness to talk before we escalate to other, less effective modes of communication. He leads us through a dynamic class with a focus on spinal mobility and core strengthening. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 16th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 2
Beginners Plus Beginners Plus (57 minutes)Chris Loebsack

Chris themes this class on developing habits, using ritual and repeated action to reinforce positive behaviors. The practice is a good, general practice with some mobility, stretch and strengthening in the legs and torso. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 16th.

Dynamic Level: 1

Difficulty Level: 1


Yin Yoga Yin Yoga (59 minutes)Tracy Gross

Tracy leads us through a lovely sequence that remains near to the ground. After a brief centering pose, it begins with some seated forward folds and moves into a few reclined twists and side stretches. She takes us onto our knees, and then finishes on our backs. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 15th.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 2


Conditioning Yoga Yoga Conditioning (75 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a Yoga Conditioning class with a twist: Taxing the muscles by adding movement on top of movement in a particular body area. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 15th.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 3


Progressions to Expressions Progressions to Expressions - Forearm Stand (68 minutes)Chris Loebsack

This pose can be challenging for many reasons. Chris leads us through a gradual progression to the final pose and offers many tools to help increase opportunity for success. You will explore body position, strength and flexibility needed for the pose. This class first aired on Facebook Live on May 14th.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 4